Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I can do this...

" Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake"
Henry David Thoreau

I love that quote...

My baby girl, Alexandria is turning 18 this Saturday. Most everyone I have told asks me if it makes me feel old. It is actually quite the opposite. She makes me feel young and alive. We have a better relationship now then ever in her 18 years of life. Finally free to live life. She is amazing, independent, strong, full of faith, driven, secure, the funniest person I know and the most beautiful young lady I have ever met, INSIDE and OUT!

This photo was taken 2 years ago on Mothers Day. I have scrapped it 2 different times! Might be my favorite one of us. We are just silly. Her smile is so big and contagious. When I look at her I can't believe how time has flown by. 

Oh me, oh my... Whoever captures this girls heart is going to be the happiest man alive.

So a few thoughts on life...

We have one life to live. I feel like the best is yet to come and even though looking at my life I could just throw my hands up in the air and say, "forget it"... instead I wonder every second what else is out there, what is next, good or bad... What else ya got for me? The Lord only knows!

A friend shared this scripture with me and it has become a reminder to me everyday that everything happens for a reason. if it is bad it is NOT because God is punishing us or we did something to deserve it. He only wants us to learn and grow... strengthen in faith. It may just be the wake up we need to make a u-turn and try something different. ( different as in something we have never tried before) If it is good, I see it as a sweet surprise reminding us we are on the right track and to keep going.
Never, never, never give up! 

Ephesians 1:11-23

The Message (MSG)
 11-12It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.

Someone told me recently that perfection is flawless. I believe everyone has their own definition of perfection and I choose to see the perfection in the imperfections. I am thankful we are not perfect because how boring would that be. God puts people in your life for a reason... They may be the sand inside the shell but they are Gods perfect creation and if you leave all judgements aside you may actually find the pearl inside of them. Society has labeled unique as weird and it is sad to see beautiful people just get tossed around in life. I am so proud of my daughter for embracing the unique and learning from every experience she encounters with an open mind and a loving heart. It isn't easy because it means you stand up for what you believe which usually means going against the grain. I know we all remember high school, if you don't follow the "in crowd" you are usually the outcast. Well it doesn't stop there. Sometimes I think my adult life has been filled with more judgement then high school! I think it is funny when someone tells me thats not normal. What is normal anyway? Just another label society has put on life. Goodness. Just be happy with who you are, be happy with who others are. It's okay... we all come in different shapes and sizes and with different opinions for a reason. God planned it all out that way. Embrace imperfection. Embrace unique. Embrace LIFE!

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