Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Jasin is HOME!!! What photo will I scrap next????

Okay, I know some of you wanted to play my little game and missed it.... You have to be quick.... I will post the layout as soon as I finish it.....

Jasin is home safe and sound..... He only took 100 pictures. When I went last summer I took 700 pictures..... But in his defense we were able to see a whole lot more last summer than he and his brother did this summer.

So I decided to play my little game again..... Pic which picture I will scrap next?????

If you leave me a comment and pic the photo I will scrap next I will send you a little something....

I think I like this game it may become a regular thing on my blog....

So here are my favorites out of all the pictures my hubby took on his vacation to Sicily....

Sandy FEET...

Music Man!

Are you married????
Jasin said everyone asked him this question so he took a photo of his hand!!!


Baby Sara.
The friends who we stay with in Sicily had a baby last January....

What a Hottie!!!! I am one lucky girl!!!

Jasins brother, John, and Jasin on the beach...


  1. No problem for me to pick one!!! You are absolutely a lucky woman Amy, your Jasin definitely is a HOTTIE!!!!!

  2. I don't KNOW which one U are gonna pic...LOL...but with MY sense of humor....I'd do the wedding ring one!!! And what U have as your caption here would sooooooooooooooo be my title!!!! LOL LOL LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. I love the one with the wedding ring toooo!!! What a HOTTIE you have!!! :)


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