[caption id="attachment_1252" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="In the Sanctuary..."]
I had a goodie bag on the table for everyone when they arrived... It had their t-shirt, a coupon from Arbor Oaks Retreat House and a 30% off coupon from Treasured Memories.
[caption id="attachment_1246" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Goodie bags...."]
If you have not been to the retreat house in Lake Charles you need to put that on your bucket list. It is an amazing experience and less expensive than a crop event and hotel. Shelly gave us all coupons and 2 gift certificates for a stay at the house.... Thank You Shelly for your generosity.
We had fun learning how to think outside the BOX.....and the BOOK. We learned somethings new and somethings old...We had a blast learning with each other. I had 8 different projects to keep everyone busy.
My new friend Denise....the Stampin' Up queen came to give us a few lessons. I know everyone enjoyed her make-n-takes. Thank you for joining us...You added that extra special touch.
We set up Thursday night and did not finish til the wee hours of the morning. With a few last minute preparations I opened the doors at 10 am. our faith croppers trickled in all throughout the morning til we had a full house Friday night. Matt and Stacy Landry with Stacy Landry Photography took pictures the whole day...The photos you will see throughout this whole post are pictures they took. Oh my goodness. Thank you so much Matt and Stacy for all your help. Our new nick names are gonna be the 3 Musketeers....We pulled it off and without a hitch....They even donated 2 different photo shoots. You guys are the best. I love you.
[caption id="attachment_1248" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Me, Stacy and Matt....The 3 Musketeers!!!"]
I have to say I was not sure how it would come together but I wanted an Embellishment bar where there was unique items for you to use to add that special touch to your page. Oh my goodness. I was so excited when we set it all up. It was exactly what I envisioned maybe more. Somethings new, Somethings old....Somethings unique.....How do we top that....Well We are gonna I already have the vision for the next event. The ideas are flowing....I am so excited.
[caption id="attachment_1255" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Embellishment Bar"]
[caption id="attachment_1257" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="We dressed up the dress form. I love it...."]
Mrs. Rachel Capello spoke to us with a word of encouragement on Friday night while we ate Homemade Lasagne prepared by Chef Antonio. She gave us a little insight to why she scrapbooks and told us a story of her crazy friend who had a house fire and left the children to her husband while she in a t-shirt and underpants grabbed 5 scrapbooks leaving 12 behind...They lost everything in that fire. It is a lot of hard work to get those memories down and portrayed just the way we want them. It is what scrapbooking is all about. Sharing and making memories to last a lifetime.
At midnight we ALL traveled to Simply Scrappin'. Thank you Elizabeth for extending your store hours for us. I know you were tired and We really appreciate all your hard work. That line was never ending. We gave away a $50 gift certificate at the store for our Faith Group and Elizabeth gave away a $50 gift certificate as well. She also made up special goodie bags for all of us. Ribbons, ink pads and cool embellies. It was so awesome. To top it all off she gave us a surprise sale. Whoever was there between midnight and 2am got 40% off everything in the store. WOW...Thanks again Elizabeth.
[caption id="attachment_1250" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Elizabeth Hard at work at Simply Scrappin'!"]
[caption id="attachment_1251" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Little Miss Victoria.....She made a purchase at the store. What a trooper. She will be the next famous scrapbook designer. It was a pleasure to have our young croppers."]
[caption id="attachment_1249" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Midnight shoppers at Simply Scrappin'!"]
A few of us made it back to the event tired but ready to get some late night work done. I went home for a few minutes and reloaded my Prize stash..... We started out with 120 prizes and I went home for about 30 more. I love to give...It is so exciting for me. We gave away a ton of embellishments and a few kits from Jenni Bowlin, Shop Crop Suey and Scrap in Style TV... There were gift cards from...Treasured Memories, Simply Scrappin', Hobby Lobby, Michaels and Scrapbook and Co in Baton Rouge....They donated a $25 gift certificate. Thanks Denise G. I bought paper and embellis from our LSS and made up some page kits....I think our prizes were Rockin'.
[caption id="attachment_1247" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="raffle tickets"]
With 2 hours of sleep on a couch in our building I arose to pick up hot biscuits from Cracker barrel and some fresh fruit. The hit the ground running for day 2. More prizes, Make-n-takes, instructions, techniques, scrapping, making new friends, spending time together and just enjoying what scrapbooking is...Pure Happiness and peace.
I ordered 3...3 foot party subs for lunch. Mmmm They were good.
Mrs. Lynnete Norris came to share a word from the Lord.....Wow. She taught us about Psalm 23....Sitting at the banquet table in our hearts with our God while our enemies are knocking on the door. Finding peace in letting God fight all our battles for us. She touched my heart...God is so awesome and was so present at this event.
We had a layout contest......You could enter a layout you completed at the event. We had 9 entries and Mrs. Tanya won. Yayyy....Girl you just simply amaze me. Fabulous layout.
[caption id="attachment_1254" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Mrs. Tanya won a Kids Photo Shoot with Matt and Stacy...Stacy Landry Photography"]
When all the prizes were gone I gave away the samples of the projects I completed.....Then our Grand prizes....Matt and Stacy donated their Wishblade and with it you received a $125 gift certificate to the retreat house........The second prize was a basket of yummie scrap supplies and another gift certificate to the retreat house. Great prizes and an awesome end to the perfect 36 hours of scrappin'.
I want to say...... It is my hearts desire to share creativity, a gift I have from God, with all who want it. I love to craft and scrapbook and I want to share what I know with all of you. I do this because I love it. My God is a big God and the only way I could pull an event off to this magnitude is with Faith in God. The 40 people we had, was just who God sent to take part.....I love that it was intimate and peaceful...and I think everyone else did too.
[caption id="attachment_1253" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Our Faith 365 Summer Scrap Group shot!!!! You all ROCK!!!"]
I want to send out a huge thanks to everyone who stayed and helped clean up. That was the icing on the cake for me. Perfect. All my love to all of you. Thanks for a great weekend. Until next time.
Here are a few emails I have received from Some croppers at our event...
"Hi and Thank-you.
We all had a wonderful time. If you only new what this weekend meant for each of us.
We all enjoyed ourselves. It was so nice to crop with so many wonderful people and to
have space to move. Thank you for sharing all of your ideas and creativity. Thank you
for allowing the younger croppers to come also that meant so much to their parents
and me! Those are two of the best young croppers out there!
The only request that my group has for the next crop is to see the master in action:)
and that it is not on the same weekend as a lsu home game:) even if it is we will be there! So sign up the same group of 11 we will all be there. Just let me know the dates and Ill get you a check!
Thanks again,
Thanks so much for making your crop so enjoyable! Everyone there was so nice!
I especially enjoyed the speakers. They both had so much to say.
I was wondering if you could give me contact information for the
photographers that were at the crop. I should have purchased the
CD while I was there, but forgot to.
Again, the crop was wonderful!!!
"Have you recovered yet? Somehow I don't think you got much sleep even after the event!
You worked so hard for all of us and I really hope you know how much it touched all
of our lives. I can honestly say that you have helped me to become a more creative
and generous individual. Thank you for being you! Thuy Huynh"
"i cant say enough how much of a great time i had!!!!!
it was totally awesome...i would love to crop on thursday nights with you.....
i checked out your blog....which on your blog roll is the place where you
got all the vintage labels and milk tops....etc.....
i am so excited about the photo shoot too!!!!
the whole crop was the best!!!!!
you did a wonderful job!!!!!!!
i would love to help out the next time if you need anything..... Tanya Joseph"
Mrs. Lynette Norris sends out an email every Monday Morning for encouragement....
If you would like to be on that email list please let me know...
She wrote this in her newsletter...
"The Scrapbook event last weekend was one of the most awesome
things I was ever a part of. The creativity in that room was
at a level I have never experienced. You can be a part of that
at any level - a little or a lot!!"
Thank You all for you sweet emails. I am so inspired.
Thank you all again.
Wow Amy, this is one of my biggest wishes: to arrange an event like you did!!!! But I don't know where to start...
ReplyDeleteYou did such a perfect job!! A goodie bag for everyone, the embellishmentbar, midnight shopping, the lottery....it sounds all so amazing!!!! And recording to the e-mails it WAS amazing!!
I admire you, doing this! Now rest!
Wow Amy! This from the looks of things, you made your dream a reality! Speaking of, I know you are probably all scrapped out about now, but you should scrap this realized dream for our prompt at Forward Progress. The prompt is up until the 15th of next month. Think about it. I think it would be a wonderful inspiration.
ReplyDeleteNow the reason for my visit is this...YOU WON MY STASH! Yep, you are the winner of my stash give away game. Please send me your address. I may still have it at home but let's not take any changes. My email is Lhowards4n@yahoo.com.
Love ya,
Woooooow, Amy, I'm spechless about this... Looks like everyone have an awesome time and you sound so happy about the event that makes me happy too!!
ReplyDeleteI'm very impressed with the photos, I *heart* the embellishment bar, what a great idea and that looks just perfect! Well, everything does look perfect!!
As always, you are an inspiration to me, and congrats for making a dream like this become true!!!!
Luv ya
[...] We had such a wonderful weekend! If you weren’t in the store this weekend, I’m telling ya- you missed you! We had so many wonderful scrappers in town for the Faith 365 crop and the Acadiana Croppers! The store was packed all weekend long! It is always great to see old friends and meet plenty of new ones as well! Thanks again Amy for bringing all your croppers to our HUGE midnight sale Saturday. To check out pictures from the Faith 365 crop and a few of our store visit Amy’s blog. [...]
ReplyDeleteOh Amy what a wonderful weekend and I must say this looks like greatest event!!! What flair you had with everything and that embelishment bar looked stunning. I love the milk crates!!!!! Thanks for sharing all the pics with us....I so wish I would have been there with all of you!!!! You are such a wonderful person and you were blessed with such success!!!! It looks like everyone had such a great time!!!! Love you girlie!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI remember attending a scrap event with you back in the day... and you said to me " I can so do this!" .... And girlie you did IT! I know everyone in attendance must have had a ball. You are the bomb! I hate it that the crew and I had such a busy week that we could not come but we will NOT miss the next one! Love ya and miss ya! Hope to see ya soon.... Not thursday cause it is Madalynn's revue but maybe next week.......
ReplyDeleteOk - I missed this one so when is the next one? I will put it on my calendar and not plan a thing. Loved the pics of the embellishment bar.
ReplyDeleteThis was the best scrapbooking event that I have ever attended. It was awesome, wonderful, peaceful and more. Amy you did an excellent job. God really has blessed you. Thanks for having me, my family and friend. This was my niece first scrapbooking event she came down from Houston for it and she said she really enjoyed it. Also, we learned sooooo much. Well, we have a saying "when I grow up I want to be just like you."
ReplyDeleteThanks again for blessing us with what God has given you.